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What is IVF? All questions answered

What is IVF?

What is IVF? All questions answered

In the process of in vitro fertilization, the eggs of the expectant mother and the sperms of the intended father are fertilized in the lab in a test tube for the couples who cannot conceive naturally is called IVF treatment.

what is IVF?

According to the regulation, the number of transfers is determined according to the following conditions:

  • If the mother is under the age of 35, only one or two embryones can be transferred in the first and second IVF trials, and this number is limited to 2 embryos in the third and subsequent trials. In general, it is essential not to transfer more than two embryos.
  • For patients aged 35 and over, at most 2 embryos are transferred in IVF treatment methods.
  • 3 or more embryo transfers are less commonly considered in assisted reproductive methods.

When we look at the statistics, we see that, for example, when a single embryo is transferred to women under the age of 35, the best category, that woman has a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant.

When two embryos are transferred, this figure almost doubles and approaches 40 percent.

If three embryos are transferred, it reaches a figure of 50-60 percent.

One of the most frequently encountered wrong notions among the infertile couples is the multiple embryo transfer can increase in the probability of twin or triplet babies. The wall of the uterus, which is located in the mother’s womb, prepares the appropriate environment necessary for the embryo to be attached and developed. Since quite a lot of hormones are used during these preparation processes we mentioned, only one of them succeeds in holding and developing even if a large number of embryos are placed. Therefore, placing more embryos does not increase the chances of twin babies, but increases the probability of embryos that can only hold onto the wall of the uterus.

 Does women’s age affect success?

Women’s age is one of the most important factors that determine success. Today, pregnancy is postponed to older ages due to changing life conditions and women’s desire to pursue a career in business life. Advanced female age in couples postponing treatment is one of the factors that adversely affect the treatment. It has been understood that high-dose drug applications performed to obtain more eggs in older age women did not contribute positively to pregnancy rates, on the contrary, only more poor quality eggs are obtained. Recently, we choose low-dose treatments, which we can also call “patient-friendly treatments” in such cases. While these treatments increase the chances of success by obtaining better quality eggs, they also decrease drug costs and increase the compliance of the couples with the treatment.

 How many embryos are transferred in IVF treatment?

According to the regulations in IVF treatment, 1 or 2 embryos can be transferred to the womb of women. The reason for this is trying to prevent multiple pregnancies that may occur in IVF treatment. Because multiple pregnancies are not recommended by experts in IVF treatments. Therefore, to prevent multiple pregnancies, the number of embryos was restricted in the IVF application.

We usually look at how symmetrical and how quickly the embryo divides.

In the first days, we look at it if it has been combined with sperm and there is a split. The first dividing embryos are considered healthier embryos. On the second day, we ideally want them to have four cells, and we look at how symmetrically they divide in shape, and we group them as first quality, second quality. Of course, the first qualities have a higher chance of ending with pregnancy. When we move on to the third day, we ideally want them to have eight cells.

How are eggs collected? Is it a painful procedure?

The vaginal ultrasound probe is inserted into the ovaries with a special needle and the fluid-filled structure called the follicle where the egg is placed is emptied. Fluid taken by the needle is transferred into a tube. The liquid in the tube contains eggs with very small cells that can be seen under a microscope. Egg collection is not a painful procedure, but it is more appropriate to perform it under mild or general anesthesia so that patients are not disturbed.

For possible inguinal pain that may occur after egg collection, it is OK to take 2-3 tablets of paracetamol (painkiller) per day. After the procedure is completed, you will be allowed to feed with some fluid diet for a while and you will be allowed to leave our hospital approximately two hours later. During this period, the monitoring of the patient is done by the nurses, and the things to be done are informed verbally and in writing.

How are embryos stored?

The regulation states that if a large number of embryos are provided in the IVF application, it is possible to preserve them. Permission must be obtained from both spouses to be able to freeze the extra embryos. If permission is not taken, embryos are discarded without freezing. The embryo storage period is limited to a maximum of 5 years. Storage for more than 5 years is possible only if permission from the Ministry of Health can be obtained. During the retention period, the spouses are obliged to submit their petitions by submitting their requests every year to continue freezing.

What is important in embryo selection in IVF treatment?

While in the treatment of IVF, embryos are usually transferred on the 3rd day, in some cases, on the 2nd or 5th day, embryos (blastocyst) can be transferred. In choosing the right embryo to be transferred; matters such as the age of the expectant mother, the quality of the embryo obtained, the number of applications, and the presence of the embryo to be frozen are important. Thanks to the developments in IVF treatment, the development stages of the embryos in the incubators can be recorded by cameras, and the selection and transfer of the most suitable embryo are possible.

What is the number of attempts limited?

The limitations in the number of trials of IVF treatment are related to the material and spiritual power of the couple, as we mentioned above. Every IVF trial brings a psychological burden for the couple. Besides, unsuccessful attempts cause the hopes to be exhausted. Failure after each attempt brings both intense stress and frustration.

IVF can be done at any age?

The reproductive capacity of women varies with age. The highest chance of reproduction by the age of 30 begins to decrease between the ages of 30-35. Over the age of 40 is now the end of the reproductive age. While the chance of success in patients under 30 is up to 50%, this rate is around 15% over the age of 40. If over 44, success is below 1%. In today’s societies, the woman pursues education and career first and then thinks about family life and child. Women who want children should not forget that they can be the healthiest mother between the ages of 25-34. As the age of the woman progresses, the reproductive functions change. With the IVF treatment, the chance of pregnancy is almost nonexistent in women aged 45 and over.

 Which IVF Center Should I Choose?

In IVF centers, patients are subjected to standard treatment and during the process meets different specialists too like Physician who evaluates the patient, doctor who does ultrasound, doctor who will collect the eggs and doctor who will do the embryo transfer doctor.

Artbaby Agency offers the best conditions to these infertile couples. Professional doctors. Our company is associated with Professional doctors and embryologists.

From the last decade of the twentieth century to the present, the birth of a child, infertility, conception, and fertilization is the most essential course not only for medical and biological experimental subjects but also for technology and reproductive works. Successful Georgian doctors, together with the world’s leading doctors, are trying to be the first to make modern medical advances in Georgia. Carrier services help realize the dream of an infertile couple, taking into account the possibility of parenting.

We believe that every team has the right to have their children and experience the proudest feeling of life. ARTbaby allowed Georgian and foreign couples to share tender and pleasant feelings of happiness with children because everyone has the right to happiness! Our company has made surrogacy service excellent, hassle-free and affordable.

We are confident ARTbaby will help them create the most comfortable atmosphere in all respects and will have a child that will give them great happiness in a few months.

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